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I am by no means an expert on anything. I struggle with a lot of the same issues everyone has... but I am trying to be better. A little bit every day...

Four great apps for meditation and mental health.

I personally use Headspace and love it. There are some free aspects to it but it’s worth every penny for the subscription. 
Calm and Mental workout also have some good free offerings and I really enjoyed using them until I discovered Headspace. 
I have personally never used Omvana but have heard good things about it. 

Mindfulness Coach was actually developed with a partnership with the VA and I was part of the “pilot program”. We did this with a psychologist and a notebook... you can use the app. Another great app with cool offerings. 

I have jumped into the world of yoga because of the numerous health benefits. This app helps someone like me, a stiff and uncoordinated mess, make it possible. 

GOWOD is one of my favorite apps. It’s a mobility and flexibility app. It pairs VERY well with my yoga and with my workouts. This is a subscription app but with all the offerings it has... it’s worth every cent. 

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