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Friday, December 2, 2022

I’m broken

I’ve been there. A lot of us may have been there. Many of us may still be there. 

It’s ok to not be ok.

I’ve seen that saying a lot and I want to unpack why I think it’s true.

Whatever you have going on in your life… family, friends, coworkers, fill in the blank… they can and will add stress to your life. Most of the time, those stressors are their own separate “bubble” and we can have several existing at the same time. 

Sometimes, those bubbles touch and merge, creating a new environment where the stressors amplify each other. If we have the right mental tools, we can separate them but it is something we have to know how to do. It can be learned.

If we allow these new bubbles to continue, they will merge with other stressors and continue to compound their stress. This is where breaks happen.  

Everyone is different and what may produce a great deal of stress on me could have minimal effect on you. Perhaps you have fewer stressors in your life but their volume may be greater.

Person “A” can work two jobs, over tasked in both, have a spouse and children at home, youth sports, and a broken stove. That’s a lot of stress.

Person “B” could be a stay at home parent with a special needs child. 

Is one scenario more stressful than the other? No. They are unique circumstances and how the person handles that stress is their own. Both could lead to serious issues with mental health. Both might not. 

The ability to recognize that you are treading water with your mental health is a big first step. Making that next step is even greater. Talking with someone (health care provider, spouse, friend, coworker) is a great way to relieve some of the internal pressure you may be feeling. That one conversation might be enough but it probably isn’t. 

Have the uncomfortable conversations. Realize that not being ok… really is ok. We have feelings, emotions, wants, and needs. If we allow something to fester and grow, it could lead to dangerous outcomes.

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