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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Living life like you drive

 A lot of times, people tend to dwell on past events or circumstances... a lot. I know I am guilty of this on more than one occasion. It's human nature to do that, I guess, but there are times when this isn't good for us. When we live through a traumatic event(s) that have a severe impact on our life, it's hard to not constantly look back on it. Maybe it wasn't a traumatic event but rather a stage of our lives that was very significant. For me, it would be my time in the Army. I loved what I did and I enjoyed being deployed but it took its toll on me. I found myself reliving past experiences or always talking about "back in the day" or "no shit, there I was" events. There is a time and a place for those things but all the time and everyday is not it. Living in the past diminishes our future.

Next time you drive, take a second and look at the size relationship between your windshield and your rear view mirror. The windshield is significantly larger than the rear view and that is how we should live our lives... looking forward. Occasionally, we look into the rear view and that's ok but if we live in the rear view, accidents can happen. Accidents in the form of things like relationship problems, personal problems, financial issues, more trauma that we don't need.

Be proud of what you have gone through and share it with others when the time is right but don't live in it. You've already made the choices or the choices were made for you but you can't change them now. Don't let the past dictate your future... after all, you're the one driving. 

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