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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Mindful Breathing

To begin, find a comfortable place to sit in a room where you won't be disturbed for as long as you've set your timer. Turn off any distracting sounds. If you feel comfortable closing your eyes, feel free to close them. If you prefer to keep them open, focus on a spot 3-6 feet in front of you.

Take a few slow, long breaths, and relax. Place one hand on your stomach. Now slowly breathe in through your nose and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Feel your stomach rise and fall as you breathe. Imagine your belly filling up with air like a balloon as you breathe in and then feel it deflate as you breathe out. Feel the breath moving in a across your nostrils and then feel your breath blowing out across your lips. As you breath, notice the sensations in your body. Feel you lungs fill up with air. Notice the weight of your body resting on whatever you're sitting on. With each breath, notice how your body feels more and more relaxed. 

Now, as you continue to breathe, begin counting your breaths each time you exhale. Count silently to yourself. Count each exhalation until you reach "4" and then begin counting at "1" again. To begin, breathe in slowly through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Count "1" again, breathe in slowly through your nose and slowly through your mouth. Count "2" Repeat, breathing in slowly through your nose and then slowly exhaling. Count "3" Last time-breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Count "4" Now begin counting at "1" again. 

This time though, as you continue to count, occasionally shift your focus to HOW you're breathing. Notice the rising and falling of your chest and stomach as you inhale and exhale. Again, feel the breath moving in through your nose and slowly out through your mouth. If you want to, place one hand on your stomach and feel your breath rise and fall. Continue counting as you take slow, long breaths. Feel your stomach expand like a balloon as you breathe in and then feel it deflate as you breathe out. Continue to shift your focus back and forth between counting and the physical experience of breathing. 

Now, lastly, begin to notice any thoughts or other distractions that remove your focus from your breathing. These distractions might be memories, sounds, physical sensations, or emotions. when your mind begins to wander and you catch yourself thinking of something else, return your focus to counting your breath. Or return your focus to the physical sensation of breathing. Try not to criticize yourself for getting distracted. Just keep taking slow, long breaths into your belly, inhalation and falling with each exhalation. Keep counting each breath, and with each exhalation, feel your body relaxing more and more deeply.

Keep breathing until your alarm goes off. Continue counting your breaths, noticing the physical sensation of your breathing and letting go of any distracting thoughts or other stimuli. Then, when your alarm goes off, slowly open your eyes and gently return your focus to the room. 

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